Trustee Senate Autumn 2024
10 - 11 October, Wotton House

With 2024 well on its way, trustees and scheme professionals find their plates full, grappling with existing concerns and anticipating the unforeseen; Pressure to innovate solutions amongst ever-evolving technology and heightened demand to remain compliant with constantly advancing regulation.

Considering the economic climate, it is our duty to both protect members and make infrastructure more resilient. The trustee role is challenging and carries significant responsibility, requiring proper support, skills, knowledge and experience for optimal outcomes for pension savers. Professional Pensions invites you to Trustee Senate Autumn: More for Members.

Where trustees and scheme professionals converge, share burning questions; find solutions, and stay abreast of the latest industry advancements. Join us for a two-day line up featuring keynotes, fireside chats, case studies, and boardroom workshops.

Our sessions delve deep into diverse topics, offering vital support for your schemes while amplifying your voice. Look no further for first-class company, and a second-to-none experience! 

Trustee Senate Autumn is CPD Accredited:


Who should attend?
The Trustee Senate agenda has been carefully curated through delegate research with an advisory board, tailored to suit Independent Trustees, Chair of Trustees, Chairs of Investment Sub-Committees, trustees and in-house pension scheme professionals

Autumn Delegate Registration
This item is no longer available


For sponsorship queries contact:
Liam Barrett
Sales Director
+44 (0)207 484 9977
For registration queries contact:
Joshua Wrazen
Marketing Director - Institutional & Sustainability
+44 (0)207 484 9995
For programme queries contact:
Finn Chatterton
Event Producer
+44 (0)20 7484 9858
For Event Logistics enquiries:
Mollie Lindsay-Bush
Event Manager
+44 (0)20 7484 9709